

Internalized Affective Oppression. Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Louisville, KY. March 2023.

Explaining Emotional Feelings. LanCog Research Group, University of Lisbon. March 2021.

Heterogeneity and the Nature of Emotion. Macalester College. January 2021.

Commentary on ‘Revisability and Occurrent Belief’ by Christopher Stratman, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting. January 2021.

Intentionalism and the Understanding of Emotional Experience (with Sarah Arnaud).
Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. December 2020.

Looking on the Bright Side or Hiding Your Emotions: Problems with emotion regulation studies. European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions. Pisa, Italy. June, 2019.

Nagging Guilt, Tentative Fear: Stubborn emotions and the problem of recalcitrance. Emotions Workshop. City University of New York, New York, NY.  April,  2019.

Naming Emotion: Do emotion labeling studies support constructionism? Cognitive Science Symposium. City University of New York, New York, NY.  October,  2018.

Emotion, Qualitative Character, and Functionalism. NYU Philosophy of Mind Workshop. New York, NY. April, 2018.

 Emotional Fittingness: A New Form of Epistemic Injustice. American Philosophical Association, Pacific Meeting. San Diego, CA. March, 2018.

Recalcitrant Emotions: No Threat to Cognitivism. Philosophy of Language and Mind, Europe. Bochum, Germany. September, 2017.

The Question of the Qualitative Character of Emotion. European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions. Athens, Greece. June, 2016.

 Do Emotions Have Qualitative Character? Cognitive Science Symposium. City University of New York, New York, NY.  March,  2016.

 Changing the Canon in the Classroom. Hypatia Conference. Villanova University, Villanova, PA. May, 2015.

 Meaning by Metaphor: Beyond Propositions. NYU Philosophy of Language Workshop. New York, NY. February 2015.